If you are in or near NC, make it a point to visit SECCA, the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, in Winston-Salem. "Paperless" is the name of their current exhibit of art made of paper - not paper as a surface for painting and drawing, but the material for concept. On opening night they allow the audience to take photos, which I did, though my camera wasn't up to the low light challenge. A few are in the slide show on the right - hopefully enough to tempt you to visit this very interesting facility. There is also an accompanying exhibit of large sculptural cast glass work done by Stanislav Libensky and Jaroslava Brychtova in the 70's - 90's I believe. In addition, on the way from the paper exhibit to the glass upstairs, one passes through an experience which I will leave for you to find by yourselves.
This piece of cut paper was in many ways, the most beautiful and the most thought provoking for me. I am always struggling with the question of what beauty is and what makes it so. The artist has created a seemingly simple cut paper work, but asks the question, "what draws us more? The image/absence (in other words, the living position of the colorless negative shape) or the presence/specter (the living color of the dead positioning of the poppies)?" (Italics are my words.) I kept returning to this piece, aware each time that the upright position felt more alive to me, though somehow sad. I liked that what appears to be simple and beautiful was not just so.