Not exactly as the crow flies, unless he's been blown off course by a hurricane...Scottsdale to San Diego to Scottsdale to Albuquerque to OK City where the Red Buds appeared and continued to be the only color in view until St. Louis and now Cincinnati. In St Louis, I delivered several paintings to a lovely old neighborhood, Kirkwood, full of charming brick homes surrounded by huge deciduous trees, ubiquitous flowering pears, redbuds, and the darling of Spring, the dogwood with its delightful white petals and yellow centers. There is something so solid and secure about those older homes in the midwest and east. Most of us who were raised in that style home and it is like a big hug when I get to be in one again.
Lots of road, lots of zzzzs while Syed drives but tonight THE BEST ICE CREAM IN THE WORLD!
Well, it WAS the best ice cream in the world....didn't last long. And in case you can't read the label it's GRAETERS from Ohio. |
Usually we would load up a couple of 1/2 gallons and bring it home on dry ice, but since the stay in AZ was a little fattening this year, we are foregoing the luxury.
Today we saw the real sign of Spring...Dandelions!
A sea of dandelions! Each one with those squared off petals waiting to become a burst of puff spreading their childish joy (oh woe to the yard fanatics out there!) for all to play with. Who doesn't remember blowing the silver-white arrows into the air? I love them now, soft cushions underfoot, bright and warm after winter's cold hard ground. They are so gloriously persistent. Perhaps they better deserve their space than that finicky, ever thirsty grass so many are slaves to.
Long may you live, Dandelion!
And tomorrow, FINALLY, home to Salisbury. I look forward to a beautiful drive through WV since I-40 is still closed from last fall's rock slide.
I'll check in again from home and till then, enjoy Spring!